Even if your firm provides free study materials, you should do your research to make sure that you’ll get the right CPA Exam prep for you. So, you don’t need to make it any harder on yourself by taking it on alone. Instead, to pass fast and avoid the hassle of combing through the CPA Exam Blueprints yourself, you should invest in a CPA review course. While a review course will cost you up front, it will save you time and money in the long run by helping you avoid CPA Exam section fails. Fifty-two out of 55 state boards also charge a registration fee. You’ll have to pay this CPA Exam cost if you ever need another NTS.
And, you’ll send your money to some of the CPA partners that charge these CPA fees. For further reference, our team of experts has purchased and reviewed the best CPA test prep courses on the market today. To aid in your quest for the best prep course for you, check out our Best CPA Review Courses here. There are some paid courses out there that are specifically geared to get you ready to take your CPA exam. They range in price from about $1,500 to nearly $3,500, depending on how long you need it and what you need it to do for you.
Additional CPA Prep Course Costs
You want to make sure you are well-rested and clear-minded to take the CPA exam. If you will have to travel, include planning for a stress-free trip in your budget. The following section provides a detailed explanation of each expense to help you calculate cpa exam cost your final cost. This table provides an overview of one-time and recurring fee estimates. For detailed information, refer to the AICPA’s FAQ regarding the CPA exam release timeline. You can also see the latest pass rates for each CPA Exam section.
Their review course focuses on higher-order cognitive skills and following the AICPA blueprint as closely as possible for maximum success. The CPA is not the most expensive accounting certification. If the test day is rapidly approaching and you do not feel ready, reschedule. A potential fee will be less painful than flunking a section and having to schedule a retake. Refer to our list below if you are considering rescheduling your test. The content of individual questions will necessarily vary, but the format of each section test and testlet does not change.
The Cost of the CPA Exam Comparatively
State boards may give exception to extreme circumstances, so call your board if you believe your situation warrants consideration. If you are unable to sit for the CPA Exam on the appointment date you scheduled, you may need to pay Prometric an additional fee to reschedule the CPA Exam. There’s no fee if you contact Prometric to reschedule 30 or more days in advance. With 6-29 days’ notice, the fee to reschedule is $35, and with 5 or fewer days’ notice, that fee increases to $83.76. As long as your rescheduled date is still within the period that your Notice to Schedule (NTS) is valid for, you will not need to repay the application and examination fees.
The costs may vary slightly depending on the jurisdiction. These fees cover the administrative process of reviewing your qualifications and ensuring that you meet the eligibility requirements for the CPA exam. This is sometimes
also called the “registration fee.” Some states will offer discounts on CPA Exam retake fees if the candidate is
retaking 2 or more exams. Registration merely states your intent to schedule exam sessions within a certain time period.
Understand candidate requirements
The benefits of becoming a CPA include increased salary, job security, career opportunities, and more. CPA Exam fees vary by state, including when and how you pay them. While some state boards use different terms to refer to the various CPA Exam fees, they generally fall within these major categories. ⇨ Pass guarantee – no, this isn’t an assurance that you will pass the exam.
Sample scenario
The scenario below explains the costs for a future CPA who has taken a self-study review course and has re-applied to take a section not passed on the first try. Depending on where you live, you may have to travel to take the test. This could incur additional costs in terms of travel and accommodations. Here is an overview of some of the popular online review courses that you can purchase. To learn more about choosing the right course for your needs and budget, check out our CPA Course Review Comparison.